Star Wars The Old Republic (EU) Credits

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Star Wars The Old Republic (EU)
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* The shop does not offer this exact quantity. A price for a lower amount has been extrapolated. (e.g. $4.00 for 50 units will show as $8.00 for 100 units)
** The shop does not offer this exact quantity. A price for a higher amount has been quoted instead. (e.g. $10.00 for 110 units will show as $10.00 for 100 units)

Top 5 Ranked Shops

#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah

Star Wars The Old Republic (EU) Credits Price History

Last Update: October 21, 2024

On this page you'll see a listing of providers from which you can buy SWTOR Credits. This overview not only includes the Star Wars The Old Republic (EU) Credits prices of every shop, but also a customer rating. Shops listed as trusted sellers have a proven track record and are usually safe to buy from.

Our SWTOR Credits list has been last updated on October 21, 2024. The next update is scheduled for October 23, 2024. As of October 22, 2024 the median price for 10mn is $0.52. Currently there are 18 Star Wars The Old Republic (EU) Credits prices in our database.

We also offer a comparison of different Star Wars The Old Republic (EU) powerleveling companies.

About Star Wars The Old Republic (EU) Credits

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) is a sci-fi MMO released on December 20, 2011 in North America and in Europe. SWTOR, in short is considered one of the fastest growing games in the industry racking up 1 million subscribers in just three days after the launch date. SWTOR's storyline is based three hundred years after Knights of the Old Republic and three thousand five hundred years before the Star Wars films. The plot of SWTOR takes place ten years after the Jedi Order was founded on Coruscant seeking guidance and knowledge from the Force. Meanwhile on Korriban, the Sith established a Sith Academy where highly trained individuals arise disrupting a ten year peace between the two factions.

In SWTOR players can choose to align themselves with either Republic or Sith Empire. Each faction contains four classes which can be mastered via seeking a trainer or quickly leveling up. To do so, players are required to pay trainers for their services.

The main currency in the game is Credits which are used to upgrade weapons, purchase consumables, pay for transportation and a variety of other functions. SWTOR credits can be easily obtained via participating in missions given by respective factions or defeating monsters roaming the planets. As SWTOR is very narrative based, there are a multitude of quests that players can choose from NPCs. The more quests that gets completed, the more the story unravels. To quickly get to the top of becoming the galaxy's most notorious or respected Force wielder, players need top-notch equipment which calls for large amounts of credits. Gold shops around have made SWTOR credits readily available at varying prices to meet the increasing demand of the in-game money.

Latest Articles About Star Wars The Old Republic (EU)

Getting More Credits with Farming Skills

Gathering skills can be a great way to make money, not just to increase the skill level of your crafting skills. This is also a very basic way for new players to make money without the need of investing. It is actually often more profitable not to even use a crafting skill, but rather to gather nodes to earn your Credits in SWTOR. This method is recommended for noobs, or new players, since it is easy and simple and can teach players a lot about the basic materials within the game.

Gathering materials often sell for a lot within the Galactic Trading Network, which is where you will want to sell these products. Never sell your gathering materials to a NPC, non-playable character, vendor as they do not offer nearly as many Credits for your materials as another player would. Venders were not made to buy products like this, as they were made to sell stuff to that players wouldn't typically want or need.

When you take your products to the Galactic Trading Network, which you should or you will be hunted down, you need to check the prices of other sellers. This will help you determine how much you should sell your materials for, as many players don't check this and will either sell them way too high or way too low. You want to undercut your competition by a credit or two, this way your product appears at the top when people search for the best deals.

However, before you can even start doing any of this you have to decide on which gathering skill you will use. Each ones has its own advantages and needs to be looked at thoroughly before you decide. You should not only take into account the amount of money you can make from each skill, but also if you would enjoy gathering with each skill. Since it is a game you want to keep things fun, and you will be spending hours using the gathering profession to get materials to sell.

This skill has a few advantages when you look at the crafting professions. This gathering skill provides materials for three different crafting skills, which is the most out of the three gathering professions. Since it supplies for the most crafting professions, there is a higher demand for the materials. More players will want to use your materials to level their crafting profession, which will in turn help you sell more materials. However, this is also the most popular gathering profession so you will have the most competition when you go to sell your materials. This can result in longer selling times and lesser profits.

This skill provides for the second most crafting professions, as it provides for two different professions. However, you should consider this profession over scavenging because you are not the only one that has noticed the amount of crafting professions these gathering skills provide for. However, since archeology is right in the middle it is the least popular profession amongst players. This means that you have less competition, so you can not only sell your materials for higher prices but you can sell them faster as well.

This is the final gathering profession, and sadly it only provides materials for a single crafting profession. While this may seem like a bad thing, this means that there aren't as many people that use this gathering profession because they don't believe that it can be as profiting. This however, makes it so that there is less competition out there. You will be able to sell materials quickly, although this may vary from server to server. On some servers this profession is actually very popular, while on others it is rare to find somebody with this profession. Take into consideration the popularity on your server. While this may require a little more time, it will make sure that you earn the most from your time later on. What is great about this profession is it gathers materials that are quickly consumed, so despite it only being used in one profession it still sells rather fast.

There is another gathering profession although it is different from the other gathering professions. This one is a great money making skill however, some might even consider it the very best of the four. With this skill you can hack databases and open lockboxes, which allows you to receive random raw materials and best of all, rare schematics. These schematics can sell for a large amount of money in the Galactic Trading Network, or they can be used in your own crafting professions. You can also receive Credits from the slicing profession, which is a little more of a profit.

Keep it in mind that you may not be the only person trying to make Credits off of gathering materials. There are other people in the galaxy, and as such there will be other people running around gathering nodes. If you gather nodes in an especially popular spot, you may find it hard to find anything at all. Go to some of the better less popular spots for the best nodes that aren't quickly found and used up by other players.

With gathering professions you are assured to make money. There are always people out there who looking to buy materials, as there are always people that want to quickly level up their crafting profession. There are also absolutely no risks, as you can't lose money using this method. It can also be a peaceful way of making money, just pop in some headphones and go around for a few hours to different nodes, looking for materials that you can gather.

Despite this method's advantages, it can be a rather tedious job. Running around gathering from nodes can be extremely boring, and if you don't look at how much money you will be making, may seem like a huge waste of time. It can also be really frustrating if somebody else is gathering from nodes in the same area, making it extremely hard to gather.

How to Spend Credits Wisely

In order to ever expect to have a large amount of Credits you have to first know how to save up the Credits you have. The richest people in the game do not go out and spend money just because they have it, they only spend it when it becomes necessary. This is a major problem for a lot of players. It is not real money so it can be very tempting to just waste it on useless items or things that you do not need. This will end up making all your hard work a huge waste of time.

1. Do not Buy Rubbish Items
So the first step to saving up Credits is to not spend them on frivolous things that you do not need. Be wise with your money and only use it when it is necessary. Avoid the temptation of spending money just because you have it. If you become tempted to buy something try to think about how boring it is to earn those Credits that you are spending, this will usually deter most players. You are not only wasting your Credits, but you are wasting the time you spent on them as well.

Never Buy a Gear from Shop
Another money saving tip is to not use your money to buy low level gear. Low level gear is one of those unnecessary things that you do not need. Sure it can help you level faster, but you will be making up for that time you saved later earning Credits. Get your gear solely from quests, this gear is not bad and will suffice for you as you work to level up. When you reach the max level it becomes acceptable to buy gear because you will need it for PvP and whatnot. In fact, there is very little you actually need to spend your Credits on in the low levels.

Do not buy armor improvements until you reach the max level. Like gear, armor improvements are an unnecessary thing to buy. They do not help enough for the low level players to make a huge difference in your leveling speed. Instead, they are meant for PvP players that need every advantage they can get to compete with other players.

Don't Rust for a Mount
You will find that you can buy speeders throughout the game, which are the mounts of SWTOR. These can be very expensive, but they do have their benefits. You will be able to ride around and gather from nodes faster, or get back to turn in quests at a very fast pace. However, you only need the first speeder that you can buy. This speeder moves at 90 percent speed, while the second one is much more expensive and only move 10 percent faster. The third one is WAY more expensive and it only goes 20 percent faster then the first one. You can save a ton of money, at least until you are max level, by not buying the second or third speeder. When you start PvPing you will want to be able to move as fast as you can go to keep up with the other players, which is when the faster speeders become necessary.

Farm Materials Yourself
Another great way to save Credits is to go out and get materials yourself. Materials are expensive and are typically not worth the cost that you will have to pay. The only reason you should buy materials is if you are close to being able to make the next item and you need to level your skill a couple levels to be able to make that piece of gear or item, it can save you a ton of time to just buy a few materials. Besides this certain circumstance, you should never buy materials to help you level. Instead, go out and farm your own materials. This will take up some of your time but it can truly save you a ton of Credits.

Don' Act as a Rich
Try to pretend that you do not have very many Credits. This will help you mentally not spend Credits because it feel like you need them. It also helps to not go looking through the Galactic Trading Network. While you need to check the prices of various items, as this is still really important, avoid looking at items that you may want. It is like going to the mall, if you go you are bound to spend money because of the various smells and products being placed on display. You will spend the money because the items look like something you may need, so you shuffle out your money without even thinking about what would happen if you did not buy the item. The answer is absolutely nothing. You can live without certain items!

Waiting for the Right Price to Buy
If you absolutely need an item but it is selling for a high price, then consider waiting to buy it. It may be a wise decision to just wait a day or two before purchasing an item so that you can give the farmer's time to place more of the item in the Galactic Trading Network, usually a little cheaper. Then, if you wait even longer you will give time for the normal people to put items in as well. You will notice that the prices quickly descends, which makes it the perfect time for you to buy the item. You now just saved a bunch of Credits!

There are various other ways that you can save Credits, you just have to put out a little more effort. Patience is a key part of saving money, as well as knowing the prices that certain items should be. You also need to realize that you do not need every single item that is placed on the Galactic

Getting Rich Quick in the Galaxy

In order to ever expect to have a large amount of Credits you have to first know how to save up the Credits you have. The richest people in the game do not go out and spend money just because they have it, they only spend it when it becomes necessary. This is a major problem for a lot of players. It is not real money so it can be very tempting to just waste it on useless items or things that you do not need. This will end up making all your hard work a huge waste of time. Lacking of gold can be against your leveling process.

1. Do not Buy Rubbish Items
So the first step to saving up Credits is to not spend them on frivolous things that you do not need. Be wise with your money and only use it when it is necessary. Avoid the temptation of spending money just because you have it. If you become tempted to buy something try to think about how boring it is to earn those Credits that you are spending, this will usually deter most players. You are not only wasting your Credits, but you are wasting the time you spent on them as well.

Never Buy a Gear from Shop
Another money saving tip is to not use your money to buy low level gear. Low level gear is one of those unnecessary things that you do not need. Sure it can help you level faster, but you will be making up for that time you saved later earning Credits. Get your gear solely from quests, this gear is not bad and will suffice for you as you work to level up. When you reach the max level it becomes acceptable to buy gear because you will need it for PvP and whatnot. In fact, there is very little you actually need to spend your Credits on in the low levels.

Do not buy armor improvements until you reach the max level. Like gear, armor improvements are an unnecessary thing to buy. They do not help enough for the low level players to make a huge difference in your leveling speed. Instead, they are meant for PvP players that need every advantage they can get to compete with other players.

Don't Rust for a Mount
You will find that you can buy speeders throughout the game, which are the mounts of SWTOR. These can be very expensive, but they do have their benefits. You will be able to ride around and gather from nodes faster, or get back to turn in quests at a very fast pace. However, you only need the first speeder that you can buy. This speeder moves at 90 percent speed, while the second one is much more expensive and only move 10 percent faster. The third one is WAY more expensive and it only goes 20 percent faster then the first one. You can save a ton of money, at least until you are max level, by not buying the second or third speeder. When you start PvPing you will want to be able to move as fast as you can go to keep up with the other players, which is when the faster speeders become necessary.

Farm Materials Yourself
Another great way to save Credits is to go out and get materials yourself. Materials are expensive and are typically not worth the cost that you will have to pay. The only reason you should buy materials is if you are close to being able to make the next item and you need to level your skill a couple levels to be able to make that piece of gear or item, it can save you a ton of time to just buy a few materials. Besides this certain circumstance, you should never buy materials to help you level. Instead, go out and farm your own materials. This will take up some of your time but it can truly save you a ton of Credits.

Don' Act as a Rich
Try to pretend that you do not have very many Credits. This will help you mentally not spend Credits because it feel like you need them. It also helps to not go looking through the Galactic Trading Network. While you need to check the prices of various items, as this is still really important, avoid looking at items that you may want. It is like going to the mall, if you go you are bound to spend money because of the various smells and products being placed on display. You will spend the money because the items look like something you may need, so you shuffle out your money without even thinking about what would happen if you did not buy the item. The answer is absolutely nothing. You can live without certain items!

Waiting for the Right Price to Buy
If you absolutely need an item but it is selling for a high price, then consider waiting to buy it. It may be a wise decision to just wait a day or two before purchasing an item so that you can give the farmer's time to place more of the item in the Galactic Trading Network, usually a little cheaper. Then, if you wait even longer you will give time for the normal people to put items in as well. You will notice that the prices quickly descends, which makes it the perfect time for you to buy the item. You now just saved a bunch of Credits!

There are various other ways that you can save Credits, you just have to put out a little more effort. Patience is a key part of saving money, as well as knowing the prices that certain items should be. You also need to realize that you do not need every single item that is placed on the Galactic