Star Trek Online (US) Credits

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Star Trek Online (US)
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* The shop does not offer this exact quantity. A price for a lower amount has been extrapolated. (e.g. $4.00 for 50 units will show as $8.00 for 100 units)
** The shop does not offer this exact quantity. A price for a higher amount has been quoted instead. (e.g. $10.00 for 110 units will show as $10.00 for 100 units)

Top 5 Ranked Shops

#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah

Star Trek Online (US) Credits Price History

Last Update: October 21, 2024

On this page you'll see a listing of providers from which you can buy STO-US Credits. This overview not only includes the Star Trek Online (US) Credits prices of every shop, but also a customer rating. Shops listed as trusted sellers have a proven track record and are usually safe to buy from.

Our STO-US Credits list has been last updated on October 21, 2024. The next update is scheduled for October 23, 2024. As of October 22, 2024 the median price for 50mn is $24.95. Currently there are 3 Star Trek Online (US) Credits prices in our database.

About Star Trek Online (US) Credits

Star Trek Online is an MMORPG, based off the TV series by the same name, developed by Cryptic Studios. The game sets it off from the rest of the MMORPGs by featuring a duo gameplay system that allows players to battle it out with starships in deep space or get beamed down onto unknown planets to engage in ground combat. Set during a time of war, battle is inevitable for both the Federation and the Klingon factions.

In the midst of war, the strength of the Federation's armed forces are notably driven by the economic system that exists in the world of Star Trek Online. Two types of currency that are used, include the starfleet merit and the energy credits. Without these currencies, bridge officers are unable to get promoted, captains are unable to purchase new ships and players can forget about purchasing items. Starfleet merit are essentially used to promote bride officers and purchase new ships, while energy credits are for purchasing items from various vendors. The methods for obtaining the two currencies are different as well. Merits are collected from completing missions, taking part in PvP and exploration. Credits, on the other hand, are collected by recycling items with the replicators. In some cases, the use of both currencies at the same time for purchases or upgrades are required, which could mean double the effort in farming the currencies. Most of the time players have time to spare for farming, but there are many cases where merits and credits are too much trouble to spend hours of gameplay clicking away. This is where currency shops and services that use real money trading comes in. A surprisingly large of number of these MMORPG currency shops exist to offer merits and credits at competitive prices. MMOBUX provides price comparison and currency shop ratings for visitors to check the prices offered by individual shops.

Latest Articles About Star Trek Online (US)

Star Trek Online Credits for Rush of New Klingon Players

Star Trek Online will finally offer a complete leveling experience for the Klingon Defense Force faction, so expect Credits to fly off the shelves as swarms of casuals roll new Klingons.

Perfect World Entertainment has confirmed in a developer blog post that the upcoming Legacy of Romulus expansion will release full leveling content for the Klingon faction covering levels 1 to 50. Since the expansion is planning to launch a third playable faction, the Romulans, developers thought it only appropriate to fully flesh out the Klingon progression which has been around for much longer.

Klingons will be able to start the game at level 1 and will have enough playable episodes, missions and events to reach level 50. This is opposed to the previous set-up where players had to start at a higher level.

The Klingon story has also been buffed with more original content, with some episodes even occurring in completely new locations such as the prison planet Rura Penthe.

With developers fleshing out the Klingon progression, players who had previously held out in creating a Klingon character will likely give the race a go now. Casuals tired of the leveling grind will want to stock up on Star Trek Online Credits to finance their leveling gear, companion equipment, and upgrades.

While critics of Credits still write it off as an inflated currency, it does not change the fact that there are still a lot of nifty things that players can purchase with Credits at the vendors and at the Exchange.

Freshly rolled Klingons climbing their way up the level ladder will need to stock up on commodities, food, personal equipment, kits, weapons and starship components. A few of the more expensive Credits purchases will be for special bridge officers. No doubt the new content will also give rise to rare Klingon-spcecific items that will cost hundreds of millions of Credits.

Fleets also continue to function based on Credits contributions, and Klingon fleets will be no different. Crafting enthusiasts will also be spending Credits for raw materials to be used for craft leveling.

This is not to say that Credits will be the end-all and be-all for Klingon starters. A fat stack of Credits will ease the grind and make the ride to the top a breeze, but players will still need to grind Dilithium and consider paying up for some cash shop specials that cannot be bought with Credits. Two that come immediately to mind are the newest Klingon ships coming out with the Legacy of Romulus expansion, the B'Rotlh Bird-of-Prey (Tier 1) and the Qaw'Dun Bird-of-Prey (Tier 2), which should make even the staunchest Federation loyalists swoon with envy.

Here's What's Coming in Star Trek Online in 2013

Executive producer Dan Stahl reveals the upcoming content updates zooming into the sci-fi MMO, and when players can expect these to launch.

New content and release schedule
In a brand-new edition of Ask Cryptic, the Q&A blog post where Stahl fields queries from the Star Trek Online fan base, he said that 2013 will be an action-packed time for the game. At least two major updates -- Season 8 and 9 - will be coming out this year.

The Season 8 update is scheduled for the first half of the year, Stahl said, and will focus on new missions (possibly with better rewards) and a new adventure zone with a fresh storyline. He also teases that there will be "another big feature" coming out with Season 8 but did not provide specific clues.

Meanwhile, the Season 9 update will come out in the second half of the year. "In between all of that will be additional updates, new ships, a few new features and perhaps a mid-year event before next year's Winter Event," said Stahl.

For episode fans, the newest one will be coming out in a couple of weeks in time for the 3rd year anniversary of the Star Trek Online. Additional episodes will be included in Season 8 and beyond.

Social zones update
Encouraged by the success of the New Romulus and Tholian Adventure Zones, Stahl said that the team is looking at social zones next for a similar update. "One of the zones being thrown about for a possible Springtime or Summer event is to have it take place on Risa or somewhere similar where all factions could enjoy some fun in the sun."

Level cap increase
Star Trek Online is also looking at a raised level cap that should allow captains to obtain the Full Admiral Rank. Of course, what would a level cap increase be without better equipment to go along with it?

"As part of that change, we will be introducing a new tier of gear, along with new very rare and ultra-rare items that are loot only," said Stahl.

Over the next two years, max-level players will also gain access to new reputations to earn special items and abilities. Some reputations being considered include PvP, FED/KDF Warfront, Tholian Task Force, Foundry Play and Crafting.

Jem'Hadar ships
Star Trek Online pilots can look forward to owning sleek new Jem'Hadar ships, including the Heavy Escort version scheduled to debut with the Dominion Lock Box release.

More STFs and massive-scale scenarios
The higher level cap will also bring in the need for new STF missions, and Stahl said these will be composed of "a good mix of 5/10/20 man missions." Also in the cards are massive-scale competitive PvP and/or PvE scenarios which will bring together the Star Trek Online community. "Both of these concepts are on the table for later in 2013, but will not be picked up until after Season 8 release."