KAL Online Geon

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KAL Online
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#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah

KAL Online Geon Price History

Last Update: October 21, 2024

On this page you'll see a listing of providers from which you can buy KO Geon. This overview not only includes the KAL Online Geon prices of every shop, but also a customer rating. Shops listed as trusted sellers have a proven track record and are usually safe to buy from.

Our KO Geon list has been last updated on October 21, 2024. The next update is scheduled for October 23, 2024. As of October 22, 2024 the median price for 20mn is $0. Currently there are 0 KAL Online Geon prices in our database.

About KAL Online Geon

KAL Online is a fantasy MMORPG from Inixsoft. Originally from South Korea, KAL-Online is currently available in Korean, English and Chinese for free. The story of KAL-Online is based on oriental myth about the 74th war between Ha-Nin, the great king, and "Ban-Go", who challenged the king with troops of powerful demons. Now, the most horrible war between the great king Ha-Nin and Ban-Go has begun, and you find yourself in the midst of the epic battle. The player can choose from four character classes namely Knight, Archer, Magician, and Thief. The player starts at level one, and in order to unlock new quests and gain skills, must work their way up thru the government positions.

And because KAL is free to play, it also features KalCash, a currency which you can buy with real money. KalCash enables you to buy special items inaccessible to non-paying customers. KAL Online Geon is the currency used in KAL Online. There are several ways of making money on Kalonline. The Main ways are: training, questing and merchanting. Training is the most basic and a relatively slow way of gaining money relying on drops to get KAL Geon. A lot of people do quests for items and sell it for extra KAL Geon. Merchating basically involves buying in low and selling out high. This can be done by adding attack or magic talismans from the merchant to it then sell in private shop to other people. More Geon you earn means you can upgrade to better armors and weapons.