Echo of Soul Gold

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Echo of Soul
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* The shop does not offer this exact quantity. A price for a lower amount has been extrapolated. (e.g. $4.00 for 50 units will show as $8.00 for 100 units)
** The shop does not offer this exact quantity. A price for a higher amount has been quoted instead. (e.g. $10.00 for 110 units will show as $10.00 for 100 units)

Top 5 Ranked Shops

#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah

Echo of Soul Gold Price History

Last Update: October 21, 2024

On this page you'll see a listing of providers from which you can buy EoS Gold. This overview not only includes the Echo of Soul Gold prices of every shop, but also a customer rating. Shops listed as trusted sellers have a proven track record and are usually safe to buy from.

Our EoS Gold list has been last updated on October 21, 2024. The next update is scheduled for October 23, 2024. As of October 22, 2024 the median price for 2,000 is $11.73. Currently there are 12 Echo of Soul Gold prices in our database.

About Echo of Soul Gold

Echo of Soul is a free-to-play MMORPG from Korea developed by Nvius and published by Aeria Games. The game was launched in EU and NA in May 2015. Players take an adventure in more than 68 areas and pursue over 1,600 quests. The story set in the background of Gods and Giants war. After the Giants surrendered, the blood of Ymir, the leader of the Giants, spread around the world. Gods have asked players, called Soulkeepers to combat these rising evils.

Players can choose a class to play from 5 classes Warrior, Rogue, Guardian, Sorceress, and Archer. Warrior is the master of blades and swords, notable for fierce close-quarter-combat and defensive tanker. Rogue is a quick melee fighter, who is known for swift strike and a master of poison. Guardian, the representative of the force of nature, uses the power of Thunder to attack foes and adopts the power of Earth to protect her parties. Sorceress calls down the force of Fire to burn down enemies and frost them with the power of ice. Last class is Archer who attacks from distances with her deadly arrows. She can be the bard to buff and debuff her allies. The class system does not stick the MMO trinity: there is no fixed tank, damage dealer, or dedicated healer. This offer flexibly gameplay as players must decide to make their own roles in a party.

The unique system in echo of soul is called “Soul System”. Players are able to collect the soul from the monster they kill. Souls collected from fallen opponents can be used to customize character. Players will experience the vast and detailed landscapes and feel the sense of freedom and adventure. The game has a vary range in both PvE and PvP. There are solo dungeons and party dungeons. Echo of Soul offers various PvP options such as 5vs5, 15vs15, and Guild vs Guild. PvP can be taken in open world or a specific battlefield.

Gold in Echo of soul is used to buy equipment, supply, jewels and rules for upgrading gear or crafting material between players and NPC vendors or players. It could also be used for buying a mount or paying for teleportation service. Gold can be found by looting from fallen enemies, quest rewards, and selling items to vendors or player. Main trading in EOS is equipment, jewel and runes for gears upgrading, and mounts.

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PvP and Dungeon Tips That Earn Gold in Echo of Soul

Access the dungeon and PvP queue system by pressing the H key. Queuing for both dungeon and PvP can be done from almost anywhere.

As long as nobody is in the dungeon, you can reset an unbound dungeon. Resetting and running an unbound dungeon can be done as many times as you want. By the use of a dungeon ticket, you may be able to have more runs in a bound dungeon, although you cannot reset one. When its lockout timer runs out, or once a week, a bound dungeon will usually reset itself.

As early as level 10, you can start participating in PvP battlegrounds. All you have to do is queue up in Battlefields, or PvP battlegrounds. Since everyone's HP/DMG/STATS are scaled up to the max level, every one can join in the fun no matter what level. However, really high level players might still have an advantage over lower leveled or newly created players as character skills are not scaled up. Nevertheless, regardless if your team wins or lose, you still gain EXP, so don't let that discourage you. The fastest way to level up is still PvP.

Not only does PvP reward some money thru the daily PvP quests, but also a lot of EXP points. PvP tokens can also be earned and they can be redeemed for armor and weapons. Exclusively in the PvP arenas, players can level up to the max level. Although most content of the game can be missed out this way. Win or lose, you can still earn rewards, just by participating.

Guilds can duke it out with each other in a guild war-type of combat in a grand arena such as the Valhalla. However, this arena is only available at specific time.

1,000 gold and 300 chaos souls are rewarded to the last person who hits the Valhalla guardian before it dies. Therefore, it is sure to be a fierce competition. Only if Valhalla is in hostile mode can your guild participate in it. It is available only twice per day on 12:00 midnight - 1:00 am and 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm server time.

Remember to pick up your daily PvP or Battlefield quest always. By participating in just 2 battles, they can reward some money and a lot of EXP.

Using 3 copies of the same piece of gear, they can be traded to an NPC for a better version so don't throw away duplicate copies of your level 60 epic gear.

Your guild can announce itself to be either hostile or friendly. Your entire guild can be subject to attack and can attack other "hostile" guilds when in hostile mode. Points can be earned by your guild in the PvP guild ranking. However, any town or outpost that has the Soul Sanctuary (similar to pillars of light) inside cannot have PvP engaged in it. Also, your guild can also declare alliance (or amity) with other guilds. The name of members in your allied guild will be indicated in green and you will be unable to attack them.

PvP all you want, if that is your gameplay, since there is no real penalty for being killed in PvP combat.

In open world PvPs, regular potions, buffs, and healing scrolls can also be used.