9Dragons Gold

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Top 5 Ranked Shops

#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah

9Dragons Gold Price History

Last Update: July 26, 2024

On this page you'll see a listing of providers from which you can buy 9Dragons Gold. This overview not only includes the 9Dragons Gold prices of every shop, but also a customer rating. Shops listed as trusted sellers have a proven track record and are usually safe to buy from.

Our 9Dragons Gold list has been last updated on July 26, 2024. The next update is scheduled for July 28, 2024. As of July 27, 2024 the median price for 1bn is $0. Currently there are 0 9Dragons Gold prices in our database.

About 9Dragons Gold

9Dragons is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) set in China during the Ming Dynasty. It features actual Chinese geography and historical landmarks such as the Great Wall of China and the famous Shaolin Temple. You join as a poor peasant and through training and quests you reach your destiny as a master of the martial arts. This martial arts-themed game was developed by Korean game developer Indy21. The game features both PvP and PvE which is dependent on the player's map and server location. Players are rewarded with a Karma everytime they defeat an opponent in the PvP area. Players can choose from 4 classes namely Warrior, Strategist, Chi Kung Artist, and Holist. There are also factions to choose from: The White Clans and The Black Clans. These are also considered as the two schools of Kung-Fu and eventually, when the player chooses a clan, it is dependent on these two faction whichever they will join. When a player has killed a monster, or has maximized his Blood Count, he receives a Blood Essence. This can be used to improve weapons.

9Dragons Gold is used in-game as a currency to purchase items, equipment, weapons and to get your character trained for new skills. On the other hand, players can sell items to others directly as the game has yet to feature an auction house. 9Dragons is scarce - players have to earn it by questing, killing mobs for loot and often players resort to buying 9Dragons Gold with real money.